what is david doing in indiana?
03 May 2004

what is david a oleksa doing in indiana?

what is davey doing in indiana?

what is davey-doo-doo doing in indiana?

what is dao doing in indiana?

what is lex doing in indiana?

what is davey-dooky-pants doing in indiana?

what is my brother doing in indiana?

what am i doing in indiana?

i got a call from God back in april, yeah he said to go to indiana, so i did, and here i am doing His work with the kids of a drug- and poverty- stricken slum town called paragon. it's not too pretty until you get out of the town. every other house is occupied by a family of crystal meth addicts, "methheads," and all hope has blown out as businesses have either gone bankrupt or been chased out by the drugs.

i was set against taking an internship from the get go. my debt had crept up on me, and was ready to pounce. my logic, my reason told me to take a job with good pay and work off my financial stresses, and then i would be free to go about my business getting involved in ministry. how was i to know that God had something else in store?

my good buddy nathan asked me one night if i wanted to take an internship, and to my dismay i said yes. God provided the same pay i would have been making doing back-breaking work at weird hours, and now instead i'm doing back-breaking ministry at even weirder hours!

so that is the short of how i ended up in paragon, indiana for the summer. the odds seem stacked against me, but i know better.

i have God on my side.

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