God: 1, biology: 0
12 July 2005

it amazes me how every observation of nature, space, and the surrounding world always points me back to the hand of a powerful, all-knowing God. in biology i find myself increasingly fascinated with the complexities of life on the cellular level. to think that so many processes and details of life, especially how an overwhelmingly large number of organisms/organelles all pull off millions of functions gracefully, can be attributed to a cosmic joke or happenstance just baffles me. i'm finding assurance in the idea that there really is no room for other hypothese outside of the proof of intelligent design.

God, continue to amaze me with the depths of Your truth. I am so thankful that my existence is not owed to a mistake, but to a Father God who knew exactly what He was doing when He thought me up and created me.

time to split. today is a day of surprises (of a sort) for a special someone. my special someone. :)

check it out - 01.20.07
vapor - 11.15.06
can't complain - 11.10.06
turn the page - 11.09.06
who invented the word "me-maw"? - 09.28.06

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