07 June 2005

i am hungry. very hungry. can't figure out why, either, but i am so starving for a huge burger w/ the works right now. i've been on this hunger kick for a couple of weeks. i swear it's like i eat lunch and dinner, then shortly after i am hungry again. it is baffling the mess out of me.

well, i'm in the planning mood again. planning for school, graduation, moving again, grad. school, and even the wonderfully frightening "m word" (the one that comes after the "e word")! i have always been one to envision the road a few too many miles along, but now i'm at a place in life where things may be a year or more down the way, but aren't these the kinds of things that take a lot of this kind of planning?! i'm not too worried or scared; i know who my God is. i know He is taking care of me. i'm just hoping to stick with His plan and make sure i am stepping out on faith in God, not faith in me.

it is comforting to read matthew 6:25-34 at times like this. i must seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, trusting that along the way He is guiding my path and giving me inspired directions. o, that the presence of the Lord would increase in my life, that i would allow Him to take control of my every choice, my every move, and even my very breath. o, that my territory would not necessarily be enlarged, a la jabez, but that the Lord's territory would see gain through my surrender to God as a man after His heart.

check it out - 01.20.07
vapor - 11.15.06
can't complain - 11.10.06
turn the page - 11.09.06
who invented the word "me-maw"? - 09.28.06

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