i am not, but i know I AM
12 June 2004

circumstance and situations change
you know life can turn on a dime
but there's a constant hope and peace
that i have come to find

and it's all because of who God is
and that He is alive and i am His

just some good lyrics i've been running through my head lately, courtesy of ffh's latest cd ready to fly. it's so true ya know, i really am His. i belong to Jesus, and it is awesome, even in the times when life doesn't go my way, because i know that whatever happens, God is constant, and He is where i find my hope and peace.

in other news, i saw the funniest commercial this morning. there's these kids playing with a horse pinata, and they knock the candy out. wrestling over it, the birthday girl emerges triumphant holding aloft her prize: a new pack of juicyfruit, at which she exclaims, "hey! i got juicyfruit!" suddenly, the pinata comes to life and starts attacking the children for the juicyfruit, and the kids are running around screaming and trying crazily to escape the rabid horse pinata.

funniest. commercial. ever. whoever thought that up has got to keep making commercials. i was rolling on the floor it was so funny.

so it's raining today, which is a blessing and a curse. the bonfire for the youth group is postponed because of it, but that can be remedied. i think i'm gonna take the kids to see garfield. now as for the blessing of all this, i remembered this morning that a while back i had prayed for rain every saturday so that the races would be cancelled and people would be more prone to wake up and go to church on sunday as a result. i guess it worked (the rain part that is). we have yet to see if it will cause a rise in church attendance. guess i'll have to pray some more.

hmm... here's a nice photo of me and some good friends at the delta formal back in april.

every one of our dates was a 10!

what's a pinata?

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