staying in touch
15 August 2005

i find it funny how God convicts us in seasons. breakdown: what ever God burdens a person for in one period of time may change once He has something else for them. not that we should use this as our excuse all the time or as a cop-out, but it's true. the work we do in the spring is not always the work we do in the fall. for me in particular, it revolves around lifegroups, and my change in particular is kind of a little tough for me to go through with. i love my lifegroup; the people are just great, they have so much valuable input, and we are all so vastly different that it feels like a microcosm of the church personality- and thought-wise. it happens to be one of the "young professionals" lifegroups, which really means nothing other than it is young people who are somewhere between 20-ish and early 30-ish, married and single, kids or no kids. jen and i have gone since january, and really grown through it.

so how have things been changing? i've been giving this some thought and a little prayer, and i'm actually leaving the lifegroup. it really is nothing personal. i just have felt that since i joined a lifegroup that wasn't tied to the college ministry, i've lost touch some with the people i'm trying to lead, even on a worshipping community type of level. the Spirit has convicted me about getting more in touch with college students, even though i can so not relate as well to 18-year olds now. it's funny, but sad. maybe i'll get some of that back, maybe not, but at least i'll be in touch and relationship with the people i'm supposed to be ministering to. the older lifegroup has helped me grow and make friends with people in my own age bracket, and i'll most certainly do stuff with them in the future, but for this coming season i feel that i have to give this part of my growth back to God and trust that in a younger setting He will still teach me new things, or maybe just refresh my heart and mind with older stuff. anyway, i'm in His hands, and knowing that still excites me for what cool things He has in store for the year.

i've been chatting it up with a couple of friends from vaughn park lately about their college ministry getting fired up, and they are pumped about what could happen. wes, my college minister, met with them and gave them a lot of resources to help out. that pleases my heart so much, seeing that 2 churches participate together in sharpening each other, especially when they could just compete like so many other ministries do around here. it gets pretty sad sometimes when that stuff goes down. kinda defeats the whole purpose of the group, and definitely displeases God. where are we going when ministry becomes more about stealing people back and forth or trying to get the monopoly on a certain demographic? i was just talking to a close friend of mine yesterday and asked about the old super saturday that we used to help put on at faulkner. on super saturday we help all of the freshmen move into their housing arrangements, and many of the churches are represented at this. plus, we all have games and slip-n-slide, etc. well, turns out one or two churches have decided to exclude all the rest this year and just take it over. ridiculous. i mean, even if it were my church that monopolized the event, it'd still be absurd. how unfair is that? retarded church politics.

argh, i came across one of the most assinine pieces of shlock propaganda i've ever seen the other day. it was a flyer sent to all of the new and returning students from a certain church that went a little something like this:

"want to learn how to study the bible? come to ******* ******* church of Christ and we will teach you how to correctly study and interpret the bible so that in the future you don't ever not study and interpret it the right way!"

excuse me, but what an arrogant piece of crap! what's sick is that people will actually buy into that and go. i just don't get it, i reckon. anybody who claims to magically corner the market on hermeneutics has gotta be off their rocker. i mean, there's a reason why there are a million opinions on every bible topic from here to the moon and back. if somebody is claiming to be sitting on the stockpile of correct biblical interpretation, they have just lost it, gone bats, been a few slices short, yada yada yada. those are just my thoughts, from the part of the elephant i'm holding onto anyway.

so what's up people? a good reminder article on spiritual competition.

check it out - 01.20.07
vapor - 11.15.06
can't complain - 11.10.06
turn the page - 11.09.06
who invented the word "me-maw"? - 09.28.06

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