hmmm... how to offend church leaders...?
27 July 2005

vermicious ka-nids batman! have you heard that new ross parsley cd?

for real, it is stank awesome. thanks to caleb, i am borrowing it for a week. i didn't really think it would be that good, considering the hosanna! label on it (i'm very prejudiced against certain labels, but trying to change), but i gave it a chance and it is already drawing me into some tremendous spiritual excitement. it is exactly the kind of music i have been praying for, stuff that is more Christ-centered and intimate. relational. all-around excellent material.

talked to matt today about his mad rap skills. we'll definitely be putting them to work on some new stuff this year. let's just say i seriously think that with the people we have been reaching out to in the last couple of years this is a step in the right direction as far as relevance goes. it's funny, every time will and i talk about where we sense worship music going, we arrive at rap and hiphop. it's whats next.

so this cd rocks. it's going everywhere i go for the next week. i will eat, breathe, and sleep to it. drive to work to it. take a shower to it. you get the picture. it's that good. i just hope i don't have on beer-goggles right now, because that would utterly reek if i woke up in the morning and realize it sucked. ha, i don't think that'll happen, but i have been wrong about some things before...

like my argument about girly Christian music. i got told tonight. by my woman, aka the beautiful and very (to borrow mr. burkett's terminology) hot girlfriend, jen maddox. i appreciate her perspective on the issue. sure, maybe men don't need to be told about how beautiful God says they are, or how we don't need to hide behind makeup, but some girls really do have to hear that on occasion or even a regular basis. the rate of eating disorders in the usa is ridiculous, and the message of the world to women about their bodies being sex objects on display has to be counteracted with something, so for now Christian women have a great task before them to encourage and bless the lives of young ladies everywhere. i stand corrected.

so tonight as i lay in my bed listening to worship music, i will be trying to reason out my frustration over today's little piece of drama. for the life of me, i cannot reason out why i would have to wear pants and shoes to lead worship. i showed up in shorts and flipflops, and was told to change, which meant borrowing someone's pants and someone else's shoes for the evening, and this was all last minute. serious, i almost up and quit, that is so friggen lame. i got a little hostile, but consented to the change of outfit and led worship wearing pants way too big for me, and then because i was angry i couldn't focus, and therefore couldn't sing that well. it sucked. it is just crazy that i can look out and see servants of the Lord wearing nasty old t-shirts and shorts, but i have to "look presentable" just because i'm up front?! it's all too hypocritical to me. i can't wrap my mind around it. i mean, should i show up next week in a full suit and tie? is that acceptable? and cut the whole rant about "oh, the older people..." shouldn't they be wise and mature enough to drop it? i am not a professional people!!! i am so fed up with church. and btw, the person who lodged the actual complaint never came to me, but went to somebody else about it.

oh goodness, another rant on church. what gives?

so when you walk into church and you are handed a little bulletin, why do we always have to know who does what and at which time? i don't care who prays for communion, just somebody do it! surprise me! who is truly concerned over the exact point at which we pass the collection plates? do we really think God cares about this? it's so crazy sometimes, how we talk about not being a church that is stuck in the old ways of having to do everything the same way or in an exact order, but we do just that! i'm tired of it. i'm tired of wanting to fall asleep in church. i'm tired of knowing everything that happens sunday morning. i'm tired of always having to clap after a certain song like a trained monkey. i'm tired of the same old song and dance.

i'm tired. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit help me, i'm so tired.


check it out - 01.20.07
vapor - 11.15.06
can't complain - 11.10.06
turn the page - 11.09.06
who invented the word "me-maw"? - 09.28.06

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