most lively dead week ever!
26 April 2005

slap my hand! i'm a naughty blogger!

it is dead week at faulkner this week. what does that mean? absolutely nothing. supposedly, no tests are allowed to be administered, no fun is allowed to be had, no nothing during dead week. right. that's why i have 2 tests this week. just had to get that out.

the informal was kickbuttawesome last friday. yes, kickbuttawesome is a real word. many props to the concept of neologization on that one. back to the informal. it rocked. much fun was had. much rain was deflected by our big tent thanks to mr. jon gordon. nobody was fried by the mountains of electrical equipment all around. battle of the bands was a huge success, and a sure thing for years to come. turns out we didn't need a big band to fill in white space; we had plenty of student-led entertainment to keep young minds satisfied.

i was installed as president of the student government association at the end of the night. methinks this next year is gonna be a great one. i have ideas and plans coming out of every orifice of my body i'm so excited, so i'll just leave that there for now. my "gift" for winning the "election" was a dump in a burial-mound of ice in tex's truck. fun. i especially loved the random flying ice cube that may have cracked one of my front teeth. oh yeah. will collins stuffed ice down my drawers. what mirth!

so this semester is drawing to a close quite nicely. much more nicely than semesters past. the coveted 4.0 is within my fevered grasp. my toughest final is a sure thing, a-wise, so no worries there. i have 2 big goals for the next year. i will finally graduate, so to go out in style i've decided that a couple of grand-dreamesque goals are in order.

first: the sga will be the bestest ever sga... ever. for real. i have quit a few activites and turned down notions of other things to devote a lot of time to the sga. i believe in excellence, not mediocrity. i am hopeful that this coming year will be an ebenezer for a lot of students, including the organization (which is the student body as a whole). there will be a website coming soon with developing material from the sga, so i'll keep things posted as that grows.

second: the worship and creative arts ministry at landmark will be stellar. i have to find a young person to mentor over the next year for when i graduate and move on, so i'm starting to put feelers out there. i want to involve as much gifting as possible in how ministry is done with lcm. this will take a lot of work. i'm willing to do what it takes. i never would've seen myself at this point 2 years ago when i joined landmark in this type of position. what started as just picking fun songs for wednesday night has evolved into something way different, and i'm so thankful for the direction we've grown in becoming more inclusive of the broad spectrum of gifts and talents the Lord has blessed His Church with. i'll definitely be posting more on that in the future.

to close, here is a beautiful series of posts from fellow blogger wade hodges, concerning the imminent explosion of the emerging church of Christ. i absolutely have loved the series so far.

check it out - 01.20.07
vapor - 11.15.06
can't complain - 11.10.06
turn the page - 11.09.06
who invented the word "me-maw"? - 09.28.06

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