it's ukrainian
05 September 2004

besides everything in the previous post, life is good. i saw my favorite relative married yesterday, which made the weekend awesome right away. i thoroughly enjoyed playing pranks of bachelorhood upon my now-in-chains cousin. great bachelor party, great getaway car, great 1-on-1 time. he and i have always been close, and i was so proud of him. he now has an excellent wife, too. they will have awesome kids, yada yada, etc.

i had lunch with jen's family today. felt like i was with my own extended family back in panama city. best. food. ever. couldn't get enough. i almost made myself sick. and the family is fun too. keepers, all of them. jen is really blessed with those folks, and i enjoyed sharing in that blessing today.

i was logging onto d*land today and realized that i misspelled my link. then it occurred to me that not too many people know about my d*land name, as in how i chose it. here's my little spiel. the last name's oleksa, pronounced like it has an x in it. it shouldn't be too hard; i mean, loads and loads of people like to "aks" a question, so it should be assumed that they can at least say my last name properly. anyway, forget it. nobody ever says it the right way, and my family is eaten up with rage everytime we hear poor pronunciation. i've heard it all, ranging from okelsa (courtesy of nathan capps, love ya nate) to o'kekskli (courtesy of an indian telemarketer, love ya indian telemarketer), but by far the most often heard mess-up is oleska. so, to clear up the mass confusion, i decided upon the aptly titled "iamnotoleska", as in "i am not oleska", but you got that already. the name hails from ukraine, it is a derivative of aleksandr (which is also where we get the english alexander- yes, i realize that my name is redundant), and it means defenderslashprotector of mankind. i like it.

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