22 July 2004

i got to baptize one of my girls last night! puts a big glow in my summer. God is good. it's crazy how often i get the power cut on me when i need to use the computer. just crazy. i'm in the middle of a pretty sizeable post, and the power goes out. so now i'm here recovering it and hoping that i can get in a word edgewise before another local lightning strike. actually, i should probably not be on the computer, but i too ign'ant.

for the next seven days i eat, breathe, and sleep road rules.

"hey! where's my next clue?," you may be asking. well here it is!

clue #6: on tuesdate, mini-me, we will dip them in hot magma... assuming the line's not too long...

no hints on this one!

check it out - 01.20.07
vapor - 11.15.06
can't complain - 11.10.06
turn the page - 11.09.06
who invented the word "me-maw"? - 09.28.06

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